ATRX Research Alliance is a global community dedicated to improving the quality of life of those affected by ATR-X syndrome and accelerating research to find treatment.



Meet Benjamin

Benjamin was born in June, 2017, nearly a month early. He struggled with feeding early on, and at the 6 month mark his doctor identified that he was missing his milestones. At 9 months he was referred to early intervention services, and he has been in therapies ever since. At 2 years old, after much searching, the source of Benjamin’s struggles was identified as ATR-X Syndrome. Even with all his struggles, he’s a happy little boy, and very loving toward his siblings and family. Benjamin just started schooling at the local school for the blind, and his teachers say they have never seen a child smile as much as he does.

Our Warriors

Meet some of the warriors battling ATR-X syndrome.
They are the bravest, strongest and happiest people we know.

From the blog