Meet the Team

Founder, President

Co-Founder, Vice-President

In 2017, Benjamin Jr, our beautiful son was born. His smile was contagious and he brought so much comfort and love to the family! He had significant feeding problems during the first four months of life, and although he was a happy baby and so much fun, he was missing milestones. After a very long diagnostic odyssey, Benjamin was diagnosed with ATR-X syndrome in 2019. During this journey, we worked hard to build a good support team for Benjamin, with limited resources in our small community of Albuquerque, NM.

Lautaro Masri
Sofia Ferrero

Lautaro Masri is Professor of Anthropology, and Project Manager at a global market research company. The company supports different brands in their communication strategies, brand positioning and their developments and innovations.

Sofia Ferrero is an art historian, and works in a company that produces organic wool.

He knows English, she knows genetics, and together from Argentina they travel the complex path of understanding the science behind the condition of their son Ulises and the possible therapeutic options to help him and others impacted by ATR-X Syndrome. Lautaro and Sofia work tirelessly to support ARA initiatives and the ATRX Community. We appreciate your partnership!

Ed Smith

Ed Smith owns and operates companies in the video production and advertising space which, since 2003, have been consecutively ranked among the top 10 companies within the state of New Mexico. He is a champion among his community, having helped many non-profit and patient advocacy organizations bring their causes forward successfully through his unparalleled media creation and advertising support.

Kerri Barton

Kerri has known Ben and Jennifer since before they were married, and was an early supporter of the ATRX Research Alliance. She has brought her skills to ARA and helps in the development of content and anything else she can find time for.

Kerri is currently working at a technology startup, aimed at building an interactive platform for Go-To-Market leaders.